Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Talk to the Ant

By Elaine Morrow

Proverbs 6:6-8 “Go to the ant old sluggard, observe her ways and be wise which having no chief, officer or ruler prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest.”
We can learn a lot from an ant.  Have you ever just sat and watched an ant before?  As one of God’s smallest creatures it’s just mind boggling how they operate.  As small as they are they can carry a piece of food twice their size and walk hundreds of feet, twice as fast. They know exactly where they’re going and how to get there. If something is in their way it doesn’t stop them, they just go around it.  

There are many things about an ant that we humans would be wise to adopt.  According to this passage of scripture the ant is not lazy, it works hard to prepare for the future, and just by watching them they’re diligent, they persevere, they’re unified, all this even without having a leader. 

 God is the masterful Creator.  He uses an ant to teach us wisdom. He uses squirrels to teach us how to store up for the winter.  He uses the birds that never reap or sow to teach us how not to become anxious, for He will provide for our needs.  

Whenever you get to a point in your life where you become tired, weary, or lazy, ask God for eyes to see.  Mark 8:18 says, “Do you have eyes but fail to see, ears but fail to hear? And do you remember?” 

Our desire for wisdom should always be rooted in scripture and covered in prayer, but let us not overlook the many lessons of wisdom that we can find right outside our front door.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Prayer…It’s a simple thing - But is it?

By Lana Marlar

Praying is a critical concern for the believer in Christ.  Whether for family, friends, acquaintances, requests shared from passers-by or the church and the world, our Lord is anything but silent in His teaching regarding prayer.  In the gospel of Matthew 6:5-8 Jesus taught, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen.”

When someone asks us to pray for them or for a certain situation, I believe I am correct to say that we always respond in the affirmative. But how can we pray effectively as sinners - persons of self-interest and compromised faith?  Holy scripture encourages us not to be dissuaded from our commitments to pray. We read in Luke 18:1-8 NIV,

Jesus told his disciples a parable about an unjust judge and a widow who persistently came to him for justice.  In her refusal to be denied justice, the widow’s petitions were granted.  Jesus offered this parable as an example to show the disciples that they should always pray and not give up.  The Lord said, “And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off?  I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

As faithful followers of God’s Will in this world, we must first recognize that we are imperfect vessels to wield this powerful tool of the Holy Spirit.  Likewise, we must endeavor to trust that His Spirit will lead and enable us to offer prayerful solicitations as He wills and in His time, as a means of transformation for others’ needs as well as our own.  Every provision we receive is born from above… In lifting our hands to receive, the prayer work of faith is already done.

It’s a simple thing.

Thanks be to God

Friday, September 29, 2023


The Glory of God

By Camille Bradley

Psalm 104:24 ~ O LORD, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all; the earth is full of thy creatures (RSV).

I was fourteen years old, behind my junior high school on the track and field after school, about to walk home. I looked up at the sky, so incredibly blue. I hopped onto an empty tire pole, which was used to support one side of a volleyball net. I held the pole with one hand and circled the pole, looking up. I paused momentarily in awe of God’s creation and my tiny place in it. I was not in a hurry to go home. I was a teenager, and we had issues at home. I dallied there for a few more minutes, praying and enjoying the peace of God’s beautiful sky. Lost in God’s glory, I felt or heard God say, “It’s okay. You can go home because I’ll be with you.” I was moved by the assurance that I was part of God’s amazing creation, love, and care for me.

Thought for the Day: Take time to be embraced by God in God’s Creation!

Prayer: God of all, thank you for the many ways you manifest Thyself, Presence, and Glory! Help me take a few minutes each day to bask and meditate on Your beautiful Creation. In doing so, may I realize that I am a part of the Glory of Your creation--forgiven, loved, and forever embraced by You. Amen.

Camille Bradley

Monday, September 11, 2023


Do You Know What You're Talking About?

Today's Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:9-12

By Dr. Jim Townsend

Today's Verses: 1 Peter 1:10-11-Concerning [the] salvation {I just referred to] prophets searched ... with reference to what sort of time ... the Spirit of Messiah inside them prophesied.

A British cab driver recalled asking the famous philosopher Bertrand Russell, "Well, Lord Russell, what's it all about?" (or, as you might say), "What's the meaning of life?" The cabbie asked, " Do you know that he [Russell] couldn't tell me"?

The Bible informs us about life's meaning, but it isn't always as straightforward as we'd like. For example, 1 Peter 1:9- 11 offers a most unusual take on the Old Testament prophets. The passage informs us that many prophets needed to learn precisely what they were talking about. They made many forecasts but only sometimes knew how or when their prophecies would be fulfilled.

Like the Old Testament prophets, we are sometimes forced to muddle over some prophetic biblical statements. Interpreting them is like trying to decode Shakespeare or another classic. We can take heart from the words of the apostle Peter, who said that some things the apostle Paul said were "hard to be understood" (2 Pet. 3:16).

When we run aground due to "hard to be understood" passages, we can always seek God's help in interpreting what we have just read. After all, we should expect the Book of all books to contain some things above our range.

Lord, help me understand that I won't comprehend everything about things that transcend me.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

I Can Give It to Go 

By Luanne Hearn

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6

 Do you have that one “friend” who is especially challenging, and no matter what you say or do, it’s just never quite right or enough?  I do.  And as one who would identify myself as a “people-pleaser,” I constantly seek positive affirmation.  So, when I go through one of those rough encounters with this friend, my self-esteem thanks, and I begin to question if anything I’m doing is right or enough.  It’s hard for me and the harsh comments are very hurtful.  I try to move forward with a simple response or, more often, no response.  I hope my friend is not trying to be mean and assumes I’m being overly sensitive and dramatic.  I do not think my friend is intentionally trying to hurt my feelings.

In those times, I was counseled to let it go and not pursue further dialogue, as it may only stir the pot and raise my anxiety by increasing the conflict.  A wise pastor once encouraged me to pray about it first and then decide if I still felt like I needed to confront my friend.  Guess what?  The prayer worked.  I didn’t challenge my friend and I didn’t continue to carry the weight.  I’m not sure it will work every time but for now, I am thanking my almighty Father who can calm and comfort me when human words just don’t seem adequate.  I know I’m not perfect, and I may do something (or NOT do something) about which my friend will let me know.  I’m ok with that.  God knows my friend and God knows me.  I’ll let Him handle it.


Holy Father, thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for showing me how to offer the same to others.  Amen.  

Friday, August 18, 2023

Taming the Tongue, by Comille Bradley

Taming the Tongue
By Comille Bradley

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, and sisters, for you know that we who teach will face stricter judgment (NRSUV). James 3:1

Ouch! James strikes home with this “Taming of the Tongue” chapter. We are all teachers in one way or another. I still struggle with bridling my tongue, especially when I am spiritually depleted and physically exhausted. Whenever I am with another person, I strive to be fully present and listen to understand so that the other feels heard. Recently, I had the opportunity to listen to someone vent about what others were supposed to be doing for them, but it was not working the way they expected. I listened carefully, nodding my head occasionally. I ended our time together by telling the person I was sorry for their trouble.

I later realized that the situation left me angry and frustrated as I lashed out at someone else. I had allowed the first person’s arrogance to identify with my own, allowing my ego to get riled up. I was surprised at myself! I had to ask God to help me repent and pray to God for forgiveness. Then I had to return to the person I unloaded on and humbly apologize for their forgiveness.

Thought for the Day: My words can infect others with good or evil.

Prayer: Bridle my tongue and guard my heart, oh Lord! Help me place Your armor over my ego and spirit so that I don’t react to others with damaging words. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart [always] be acceptable to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer” (Psalms 19:14 NRSV).

Monday, June 12, 2023

Help Me Remember 70 X 7! by Luanne Hearn

Help Me Remember 70 X 7!

Luanne Hearn

“He has shown you, O man, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you? But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

Today is the day after the release of the Tyre Nichols murder video.  I did not watch it.  I do not want to watch what I understand from those in positions to extend conviction and punishment, was an unnecessary use of extreme force.  I trust our justice system to deal with these five.

As I reflect on what happened, I am again reminded of the broken and hurting world in which I live.  Humans are flawed.  We make mistakes, sometimes really bad ones.  I am not the judge, but I am called as a believer and a follower of my Lord, Jesus Christ, to do my part. 

The words “justice" and “mercy” are used together in the same sentence along with the directive to “Walk humbly.”  I feel God’s call to me to live is an example to love, have compassion, and most of all forgive. Lord, I struggle!  When I am aware of something a brother or sister has done that is so horribly wrong, how can I find it in my heart to forgive them?  I am not strong enough, but you are Lord. I turn it over to You.

Lord, help me today to let go of this.  Please help me let go of the anxiety that fills my heart and soul.


Lord, I ask you to bring peace to our broken and hurting world and help me live as an example of your goodness and mercy.  Amen.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Two Heads Are Better Than One, By Linda Mayhan

 Two Heads Are Better Than One

By Linda Mayhan

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. Ecclesiastes 4:9

I have been fortunate and blessed to be the only secretary my boss has ever had!  Nearly 25 years ago, he claimed Ecclesiastes 4:9 as our verse because, as a team, we are better equipped to service our clients for their best benefit. This mantra has served us well.

In the same way, Jesus told us that God did not intend to leave us alone in the work of spreading the gospel.  In John 16, Jesus tells his disciples: "7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you, but if I depart, I will send Him to you."

On Pentecost Sunday, God sent His Holy Spirit to be our helper until Christ’s return. He is our Strengthener, Comforter, Advocate, and Intercessor.  The Holy Spirit guides us in the way we should go.  He is our encourager when life is hard. He is in prayer for us at all times, and He walks before us, behind us, and beside us in all the trials and triumphs that each day brings our way. 

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for knowing that we would need your Holy Spirit to navigate this world and all its demands, not in our strength but yours. Amen

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Do You Know What You're Talking About?

By Dr. Jim Townsend, Ph.d

Today's Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:9-12

Today's Verses: 1 Peter 1:10-11-Concerning [the] salvation [/ just referred to] prophets searched ... with reference to what sort of time ... the Spirit of Messiah inside them prophesied.

A British cab driver recalled asking the famous philosopher Bertrand Russell, "Well, Lord Russell, what's it all about?" {or, as you might say}, "What's the meaning of life?" The cabbie said, do you know that he [Russell] couldn't tell me"?

The Bible does inform us about the meaning of life, but it isn't always as clear as we'd like. For example, 1 Peter 1:9-11offers a most unusual take on the Old Testament prophets. The passage informs us that many prophets didn't know precisely what they were talking about. That is, they made many forecasts but didn't always know how or when their prophecies would be fulfilled.

Like the Old Testament prophets, we are sometimes forced to muddle over some prophetic biblical statements. Interpreting them is like trying to decode Shakespeare or another classic. We can take heart from the words of the apostle Peter who said that some things the apostle Paul said were "hard to understand" {2 Pet. 3:16}.

When we run aground due to "hard to be understood" passages, we can always seek God's help in interpreting what we have just read. After all, we should expect the Book of all books to contain some things beyond our range.

Lord, help me understand that I won't comprehend everything about things that transcend me.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

An Eclectic Collection of Clutter by Margaret McNeil

An Eclectic Collection of Clutter 

by Margaret McNeil

 Ecclesiastes 3:6 “There is a time to keep and a time to throw away.”

When Covid put the world into lockdown in 2020, I decided to use my newfound time at home to declutter and organize the house we’d lived in for almost two decades. No closet, drawer, cabinet, or bookcase was safe from me and my label maker. I didn’t go as far as Marie Kondo, the renowned organizing expert, and ask if the item sparks joy, but I did have my own criteria. If an item was chipped, cracked, stained, or unusable, out it went. Duplicates of books were donated to the library. Toys from Christopher’s younger days — except for a few favorites I kept for the day he has children — were donated to charity. Why do I have so many cupcake liners when I rarely make cupcakes? Why keep pictures I inherited from my parents when no one in the family knows who the people are? Do I really need 13 black shirts?
Like our home, our spiritual life also needs decluttering occasionally. An excellent way to do this is to spend daily time with God. Reading the Bible, praying, journaling, or whatever makes you feel closer to God, even if that means going fishing on the lake. Replace anxiety, evil thoughts, and bitterness with scripture reminding you that you are accepted, secure, and significant. Attending church connects us to God, strengthens us spiritually, and fosters a sense of community. I have to admit I struggle with this one. During the lockdown, watching services online at any time became too easy, but I’m trying to attend church more regularly.
As for my house, I have two more rooms to declutter. Before I can resume work on them, though, I need to buy more label maker tape.
Dear Lord, Help us know when we need to declutter our spiritual lives to strengthen our relationship with you. Amen.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

God Works within Us, By Elaine D. Morrow

God Works Within Us

Ephesians 3:20-21 says, Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.

One of the celebrated songs sung by Frank Sinatra in the latter part of his life was a song written for him by Paul Anka. The song is about one man's journey in life and how he lived it, with the refrain being, "I did it my way." In contrast to that song, which in some ways speaks to how Sinatra lived his life, the Apostle Paul tells the Christian in Ephesus and to all who read his letter to acknowledge what God can and will do for us, in us and with us when we live the life God's way through Jesus Christ.

We often lose focus and look only at what we want God to do for us, with and through us.

If He would change this situation or fix that problem, my life would be better. But He invites us to think and ask more, and wants to change us, not just our situations!

The Holy Spirit can transform our lives from the inside out but is usually slow. That's why we need patience and faith to believe that God is working within us even when we don't see the results right away.

The Lord has a purpose for your life, and even though He has an individualized plan for each of His children, His ultimate goal is to conform every believer to be just like His Son, Jesus Christ. For this to happen, we may have to go through some trials and tribulations, things that might not make any sense to us, but as He works through us, we can look back in retrospect and see how God strategically worked things out in our favor. Be encouraged. God knows what He's doing.

Elaine Morrow

Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Gift of Life Is So Much More Than Just Being Alive, Luanne Hearn


The Gift of Life Is So Much More Than Just Being Alive

By Luanne Hearn

“When I gaze into the night skies and see the work of your fingers, The moon, and stars suspended in space.
Oh, what is Man that you are mindful of him?
You have given man a crown of glory and honor and made him a little lower than the angels.
You have put him in charge of all creation.
The beasts of the field, The birds of the air, The fish of the sea.
O Lord, our God, the majesty and glory of your name transcend the earth and fill the heavens.
O Lord, our God, little children praise you perfectly, And so would we. Alleluia!”

- words adapted from Psalm 8 

The words of this anthem, written by Linda Lee Johnson and arranged by Tom Fettke, are one of my favorites. When things go wrong, and my world feels upside down, it reminds me that God is in charge. It always has been and always will be.

Thanks be to God!

Prayer: Father God, help me have eyes to see and a heart to love the gift of the world created for me.  Amen.


Friday, April 14, 2023


I Belong to God

By Margaret Carbaugh

Fear not; for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do something new; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43: 1,18-19 

When I was a little girl, I lost my buckskin coat. Where is it? Where is my buckskin coat? It was missing. Someone must have found my coat and taken it to the church office, waiting for me to redeem it about a year later. I asked my mother to stitch my name into the lining. I told myself this coat is MINE: I won’t lose it again.

I will not lie and say I understood my baptism at age 7. Like the coat, I  had been lost but was redeemed. I belonged to God. I understood, sort of. Now I am 70. Like that coat, I have misplaced myself a few times, but I know who I belong to because HE stitched HIS name into my heart when He redeemed me. 

Gracious God, I thank you for all the times I felt abandoned or lost in the wilderness experiences of my life, and you found me, redeemed me, and reminded me that I am yours. Amen 


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Glory of God, By Camille Bradley

The Glory of God

By Camille Bradley

O LORD, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all; the earth is full of thy creatures (RSV). Psalm 104:24  Read Psalms 104

I was fourteen years old behind my junior high school on the track and field after school about to walk home. I looked up at the sky, so incredibly blue. I hopped onto an empty tire pole which was used to support one side of a volleyball net. I held the pole with one hand and circled around the pole looking up. I paused for a moment in awe of God’s creation and my tiny place in it. I was not in a hurry to go home. I was a teenager and we had issues at home. I dallied there for a few more minutes praying and enjoying the peace of God’s beautiful sky. Lost in God’s glory, I felt or heard God say, “It’s okay. You can go home because I’ll be with you.” I was moved by the assurance that I was indeed a part of God’s amazing creation and of God’s love and care for me.

Thought for the Day: Take time to be embraced by God in God’s Creation!

Prayer: God of all, thank you for the many ways you manifest Thyself, thy Presence, thy Glory! Help me take a few minutes each day to bask and meditate on Your beautiful Creation. In doing so may I realize anew that I am a part of the Glory of your Creation--forgiven, loved, and forever embraced by You. Amen.

Camille Bradley

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Out Of the Depths I Cry to You, O Lord, By Rev. Dr. Jill Westbrook Mason

Out Of the Depths I Cry to You, O Lord

By Rev. Dr. Jill Westbrook Mason

Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!”
Psalm 130:1,2


It had been about a month. Time seemed to stand still. My husband had died suddenly at age 43 from a heart attack. We had an 18-month-old baby boy, our only child. I was going through the motions of life, caring for my baby, but definitely not living life. I was stoic, I could not find joy. How could people laugh, I wondered, when my life and joy had been stolen from me? It came like a thief in the night.

That afternoon, as I was driving home from the grocery store, I was overcome with grief. Up until that time, I had not allowed myself to grieve, fearing I would be unable to function and care for my baby. I pulled over to the side of the road, put the car into park, and pounded the steering wheel while crying out, “God, I need you. I can’t do this alone. It is too hard.” My bottled-up emotions finally broke loose.

As I quieted down, I became aware of the presence of God. I knew without a doubt that God had heard my cries. Although I did not hear an audible voice, God spoke to me on the side of that road. I felt a tremendous sense of release and relief, for I knew that God was with me, I was not alone.

Days passed, and I continued my conversations with God. Sometimes I cried, sometimes I was mad. But always, I knew God was walking with me. They say that time heals broken hearts. Time does lessen the severity, but it is God who heals broken hearts.

Prayer: Gracious and Compassionate God, I give you thanks for all the times I have cried out to you, and you have held me as I cried. Thank you for always walking with me, even when I don’t slow down enough to notice that you are there. I realize that I have drawn closer to you through my times of pain, and for that I give thanks. May all my days and all my ways be a blessing to you. In Christ’s name, Amen.

-Rev. Dr. Jill Westbrook Mason

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Even Jesus Grew, by Rev. Jolinne Balentine-Downey

 MARCH 22, 2023

Even Jesus Grew

Rev. Jolinne Balentine-Downey

"When [Jesus] went down with them and came to Nazareth and was obedient to them. His mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor." Luke 2:51-52 (NRSV)

Nobody comes into the world knowing it all, not even Jesus. He was born in a stable, slept in a manger, and grew. And Joseph and Mary were amazed.

Adults are like that. We watch in wonder as children gradually discover the world around them. It’s incredible how quickly they grow! My great-niece found her feet two years ago and learned how to roll over. Last year, she ran all over the house, chased the cats, and declared everything “Mine.” Now a baby cousin has joined the family, and Addie has to learn more challenging lessons such as “Be gentle,” “Share your toys,” and “Please.”

Jesus had his lessons to learn. Though it may be hard for us to imagine, the truth is that Jesus grew up just like we do: One step at a time. And one lesson at a time. He did not know it all. Jesus had to be taught, as we all do. He learned from teachers and parents, and religious leaders. He learned from scripture. He learned by asking questions. He knew by challenging the status quo. And he learned by submitting to the will of God.

When I was in college, people used to say, “God isn’t finished with me yet.” But the truth is, God is not finished with ANY of us. Not yet. It does not matter if we are 8 minutes old or 80 years old. We are all still growing and learning.

Dear God, forgive me for acting as if I know it all. Help me be willing to learn from you and the people you put in my path today. Amen.



Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Rich Blessings of Friendship, by Luanne Hearn


Weekly Devotional

 March 15, 2023

The Rich Blessings of Friendship

By Luanne Hearn

“So in everything you do, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12

Anyone who knows me well would tell you Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love everything about it – the lights, the sounds, the colors, and especially the celebrations.  So in early December, when I heard about my 3rd-grade grandson’s Christmas Program, I turned in my Vacation Request to take off work so I could go and was so excited to attend that Friday morning!  His school is blessed to have a fantastic Music Teacher who certainly knows how to teach the children and put on quite a spectacular show!  From the opening number, when they ran to their places on the gym floor wearing Christmas colors reindeer antlers, and festive scarves, to the final piece performed with black lights and glow necklaces, it was a fun, exciting show.

When they finished, the parents (and others)  were asked to stay in the bleachers while they dismissed all the other students.  Then we were able to go onto the floor to greet our kids. It was like the crowd swarming the field when the home team won the homecoming football game against their rival.  Oh, the hugs and kisses!  And then I saw him.  The only little boy still seated on the floor, as they had been told to wait, with tears streaming down his face.  His teacher knelt beside him to wipe away the tears but was quickly called to another student for Mom to take a picture.  He was so sad and so alone in that gym full of people.  I’m sure his family could not be there because of the “black-out weeks” before Christmas that many employers have during the weeks leading up to Christmas.  If you don’t show up, you get fired.  

For many taking Vacation for a school program is not an option.  I did what I could.  I went over to him to tell him how much I enjoyed their show and to ask him which was his favorite song.  I hope that helped.  But the best was yet to come.  After I went back to tell my grandson goodbye so I could return to work, I watched them begin to gather.  The other children went and sat beside him one by one until there soon was a circle of about six kids talking, laughing, and just being with him when he needed them most!

It warmed my heart, and I thought what a lesson we could all learn from those sweet children.  How much better the world could be if our eyes could just be open to the sad and lonely to talk to them, to encourage them, or to sit and be with them.

Prayer: Holy Father, please open our eyes to see our brother or sister in need.  Help us remember that sometimes all that is needed is our presence.  Amen


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Favor of God, By Dr. Jannette Morrow

Weekly U.M.C. Devotional

March 8, 2023

Favor With God

Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. Daniel 6:10 (NKJV)

God's favor rests on His children, who put him first – no matter the cost.

In the late 1780s, William Wilberforce made up his mind. Slavery in the British Empire had to stop. Between 1789 and 1805, he (with his friend, Thomas Clarkson) introduced antislavery legislation to Parliament twenty times. Wilberforce stood firm each time without success – despite political opposition, bigotry, economic forces, and his failing health. In 1807 the slave trade, and in 1833 slavery itself was outlawed throughout the empire. While only a few of William Wilberforce's opponents are known today, Wilberforce's legacy is one of a true man of God whose life backed up what he believed.

Over 2000 years earlier, the prophet Daniel stood up to the opposition. As a teenager, he made up his mind to reject Babylonian paganism. As a young man, he interpreted the king's dream and gave God credit. As an older man, he refused to not pray, despite an unjust threat of death by hungry lions. Daniel staked his life on standing for what God said was right. Many others, such as Noah, Abraham, David, and Jesus Christ, persisted, lived out God's purpose for their lives and saw their enemies ultimately defeated. All because of God's favor.

Saving grace, God's unmerited favor through Christ, can never be earned. But there is a favor from God, especially for those who always put Him first.

Heavenly Father, thank you for salvation and grace. Please help me always live in your favor by obeying your word and always putting you first. In Jesus' name, Amen.  

By Dr. Jannette Morrow

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Avoiding Painful Consequences, by Dr. Russell Morrow


Weekly U.M.C. Devotional

 March 1, 2023

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, Genesis 3:6.


There are some sacrifices we don't have to suffer when we resist wisdom that contradicts God's wisdom.

Besides unconditional love, one of the first things I learned as a child from my mother was that there would be consequences for my decisions and behavior. When guilty of disobeying my mother, she would quote from the Bible, saying, "obedience is better than sacrifice." Then she would show me what she meant. As I grew up, I learned to value and appreciate my mother's wisdom and the source of her wisdom, God's word.

Adam and Eve were living in the spectacular realm of the Garden of Eden. God gave them dominion over the land and supplied them with everything they needed. They had only one restriction, "… but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die," and they did.

If we are not mindful, like Adam and Eve, we too can easily allow influences counter to the wisdom of God to fill our days with avoidable suffering and misery.

Dear God, thank you for your provision and free will. Please help me discern and resist those things counter to your wisdom, this and every day of my life. Amen.

Dr. Russell M. Morrow, Sr.

  Talk to the Ant By Elaine Morrow Proverbs 6:6-8 “Go to the ant old sluggard, observe her ways and be wise which having no chief, officer o...