Talk to the Ant
By Elaine Morrow
Proverbs 6:6-8 “Go to the ant old sluggard, observe her ways and be wise which having no chief, officer or ruler prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest.”
We can learn a lot from an ant. Have you ever just sat and watched an ant before? As one of God’s smallest creatures it’s just mind boggling how they operate. As small as they are they can carry a piece of food twice their size and walk hundreds of feet, twice as fast. They know exactly where they’re going and how to get there. If something is in their way it doesn’t stop them, they just go around it.
There are many things about an ant that we humans would be wise to adopt. According to this passage of scripture the ant is not lazy, it works hard to prepare for the future, and just by watching them they’re diligent, they persevere, they’re unified, all this even without having a leader.
God is the masterful Creator. He uses an ant to teach us wisdom. He uses squirrels to teach us how to store up for the winter. He uses the birds that never reap or sow to teach us how not to become anxious, for He will provide for our needs.
Whenever you get to a point in your life where you become tired, weary, or lazy, ask God for eyes to see. Mark 8:18 says, “Do you have eyes but fail to see, ears but fail to hear? And do you remember?”
Our desire for wisdom should always be rooted in scripture and covered in prayer, but let us not overlook the many lessons of wisdom that we can find right outside our front door.