Thursday, February 16, 2023

A Spirit of Humility, by Camille Bradley


Weekly U.M.C. Devotional

Weekly Devotion - February 16, 2023

A Spirit of Humility

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth”  Matthew 5:5 (NRSV) 

I looked up the definition of meek and found it is similar to the word humble. So, I looked up humble and read: “not thinking of yourself as better than other people; mildness; the gentleness of spirit.” As I reflect on humility as a spiritual virtue, I remember serving guests at Manna House. Most of the guests were struggling with poverty and homelessness. It was an authentic learning experience for me about humility. After ten years, I loved volunteering there and came to know and love many regular guests.  

One day, while handing out socks and hygiene products, Larry (not his real name) approached the
counter, and we greeted each other by name. He was wearing a Snuggly, one of those hooded blankets advertised on TV for wearing on the sofa watching TV. I mentioned that I had always wanted a Snuggly, and Larry pulled the Snuggly right off his back and gave it to me! Larry’s gentle and generous spirit humbled me! Here I was “serving him,” and yet Larry showed me that despite our vast differences, I am not above or better than him! We experience a bit of heaven on earth in that holy moment together. 

Thought for the Day: Do I put myself above others who may be poor, homeless, or different from me? 

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the example of Jesus’ teachings. Give me the desire to be humble in spirit so I may never think of myself as more significant than another or You.   


Camille Bradley 

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