many of you should become teachers, my brothers, and sisters, for you know that
we who teach will face stricter judgment (NRSUV). James 3:1
Ouch! James strikes
home with this “Taming of the Tongue” chapter. We are all teachers in one way
or another. I still struggle with bridling my tongue, especially when I am
spiritually depleted and physically exhausted. Whenever I am with another
person, I strive to be fully present and listen to understand so that the other
feels heard. Recently, I had the opportunity to listen to someone vent about
what others were supposed to be doing for them, but it was not working the way
they expected. I listened carefully, nodding my head occasionally. I ended our
time together by telling the person I was sorry for their trouble.
I later realized that the situation left me angry and frustrated
as I lashed out at someone else. I had allowed the first person’s arrogance to
identify with my own, allowing my ego to get riled up. I was surprised at
myself! I had to ask God to help me repent and pray to God for forgiveness.
Then I had to return to the person I unloaded on and humbly apologize for their
for the Day: My words can infect others with good or evil.
Prayer: Bridle my tongue and guard my heart, oh Lord! Help me place Your armor over my ego and spirit so that I don’t react to others with damaging words. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart [always] be acceptable to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer” (Psalms 19:14 NRSV).